13th Annual Rolling For a Cause Breast Cancer Sk8 Event


Join us at our 13th Annual Rolling For a Cause Breast Cancer Sk8 event honoring and supporting ALL who’s been touched by Cancer (not just Breast Cancer).. It will be a night to remember. Our goal is to raise more awareness, uplift our Survivors and honor our loved ones who passed on from this deadly disease! So come out and get your skate on Or …..dance on the side to some amazing music by Dj Arson & Dj Dream for this worthy Cause!

This is an adult event / Skaters/non Skaters are welcome. Come out and support your family /friends /co workers /business partners who’s been touched by cancer

Rolling for a Cause Tshirts on Sale now and at the event.

E-mail RollingForACause: rollingforacause@gmail.com

13th Annual Rolling For a Cause Breast Cancer Sk8 Event image