2022 Hunter's Pointe Fishing Tournament


Please join us for the 2022 Hunter's Pointe Fishing Tournament on Saturday, September 24 from 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Tournament rules and information are listed below. Please read this information in it's entirety as there are specific instructions regarding registration.

  • Fishing begins at 8:15 a.m. at the sound of the foghorn.
  • Participants need to bring a tape measure or another tool (yard stick, ruler, etc.) that will measure the length of the fish with them the day of the tournament.
  • Categories include: Kids: Most, Biggest and Smallest | Adults: Biggest
  • Participants will need to take a picture of each fish caught that shows the length of the fish in the photo for the catch to qualify.
  • Participants may fish at any spot they chose around the Hunter’s Pointe Pond (entrances to the pond are between 15 & 16 Fox Moor Ct. and between 23 & 24 Fox Lake Court.
  • The tournament ends at 10:30 with the sound of the foghorn.
  • Participants will need to check in with the judges at the picnic table located on the West side of the pond, in the Schaefer’s backyard(by the large tree with hammock chairs) and present their pictures.
  • Winners will be determined once all participants have checked in.
  • Coffee, donuts, snacks, bottled water, and juice boxes will be provided!

Please feel free to contact us at hphoastc@gmail.com, if you have any questions. Thank you for your participation and GOOD LUCK!!

Please note: This event will be open to all Hunter's Pointe Homeowners. Non-Hunter's Pointe HOA Members will be required to pay a $10/person registration fee, not to exceed $30 total. After 3 paid tickets have been purchased, you may select free Non-Hunter's Pointe Additional tickets for any additional participants.