2022 NOCCA Creative Writing Workshop (6-7th Grade) | Pizza Poetry



Pizza Poetry

Thursday, March 24, 4-5:30 PM | Open to 6-7th grades

In this one-day interactive workshop, students have the opportunity to hone their writing skills and create a poem to be part of Pizza Poetry Day!

A project of writing collaborative 826 New Orleans, this workshop helps celebrate National Poetry Month (April ). Selected students' poems will go out on pizza boxes at participating restaurants throughout the city.

This workshop will be led by NOCCA's upper level Creative Writing students. At the end of the class, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the writing program. 

We will ask parents of students to complete a release form in order to allow their student's work to be considered and "published" on the pizza box!

This workshop is open to students currently enrolled in 6-7th grade.

Taking part in this workshop does not guarantee a successful audition or entry into any program at NOCCA. 

Enrolled students will be asked to complete forms such as student contract before they are able to take class. This workshop is non-refundable once the session begins (first day of class).