2023 Junior Bulldog Wrestling Club Registration


2023 Junior Bulldog Wrestling

The emphasis of Junior Bulldog Wrestling will be to provide quality instruction covering the basics of wrestling in a fun, positive, and low-key environment. We invite boys & girls of all experience levels to participate. Girl’s wrestling is one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. with high schools and colleges expanding programs across the country every year. We will stress and measure success by quality of effort, sportsmanship, and wrestler enjoyment. The numbers of wins and losses is not a consideration in Junior Bulldog Wrestling and we will not focus on training/overtrainingthese young wrestlers as some “competitive” clubs do. Our ultimate goal is to provide a positive and low cost experience for young wrestlers to carry with them as they grow and develop. Wrestlers do NOT have to be students of University Schools; everyone is welcome to join.

Age: Grades K-5

Cost: $45 Registration to cover club insurance, administrative costs, and incidental expenses (includes free club compression shirt).

Registration: Participants may join and begin wrestling at any time throughout the season. Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-junior-bulldog-wrestling-club-registration-tickets-442929362647 / Registration link will also be posted on http://universityjuniorbulldogs.com/wrestling.html - Please bring a copy of the participant’s Medical Insurance card to their first practice.

TeamSnap App: When participants complete their registration, an email/text will be sent to with an invitation to join the Junior Bulldog Wrestling “TeamSnap”. This is an App that will be used to manage team correspondences, practice, and competition schedules.

Season: November 29th - April 1st ?? (yet to be determined as tournament schedules have not all been released).

Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30pm-7:30pm

Where: University High School Wrestling Room (4th-5th Grade) and University Middle School Flex Room (K-3rd Grade)

Equipment: Shoes, shorts, and t-shirt. Wrestling shoes and headgear are recommended, but not required at Club competition singlets and shorts as well as tem gear will be available for purchase online once the season begins.

Equipment Exchange: We ask that those with slightly used wrestling shoes, club singlets, or head gear donate those items to the club for other members to utilize. If anyone has gear available please email myself (Vince@universityjuniorbulldogs.com) with the size or post availability through TeamSnap to all club members. Items will be dispensed on a first come first serve basis.

Competition: Participants will be required to pay for their own entry into the tournaments they wish to attend fee (not included in Junior Bulldog Wrestling registration fee). Individuals are always free to attend other tournaments, but the coaches will limit themselves to tournaments on the schedule. Competing in tournaments is NOT a requirement, but encouraged. Some young wrestlers may be content to introduce themselves to wrestling through practice only and build themselves up to competing in a tournament. The last thing we want to do is “force” a kid to wrestle in a tournament when he/she is not yet ready for it. This tends to give kids an extremely negative and long-lasting initial experience.

Junior Bulldog Tournament: We are planning to host a tournament again this year set for April 1st 2023. For a tournament to be hosted by the Junior Bulldogs parents must commit to work the tournament. Positions will include table help, concessions, gate, tournament setup, etc. Junior Bulldogs wrestlers will not have to pay an entry fee for our tournament. Parents that commit to help will be provided Junior Bulldog wrestling shirt and free entry into the tournament. The proceeds from this tournament go to help cover program costs and wrestling needs for the entire University Wrestling program, K-12.

Coaches: Ryan Linsacum, Patrick Gomez, Lupe Segura & Vince Mena. If you are interested in helping coach, please send an email to Vince@universityjuniorbulldogs.com