21 Titles Presents: Wallet Walkthrough Wednesdays


21 Titles Presents: Wallet Walkthrough Wednesdays!

Our aim is to provide the education, tools, and resources for the community to participate in the Web 3 ecosystem - starting with learning how to open a digital wallet!

These walkthrough sessions will happen on Zoom and RSVP's will be sent a link to sign up!

Attendees of our Walkthrough Wednesday session will have the opportunity to receive a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) - which is an NFT that literally proves that you attended our sessions!

You must be 18 years or older to attend our zoom sessions unless you obtain parental consent.

**Any information provided during Wallet Walkthrough Wednesday zoom session is only information and is not to be interpreted as financial advice. 21 Titles are not financial advisors or professionals and advise all attendees to consult with a financial advisor.

A little about 21 Titles:

21 Titles is a web 3 brand creating equity through collaboration with a focus on women's basketball.

21 Titles is an acronym: Technology, Integrity, Transparency, Literacy, Education, and Sustainability. With the new ushering of the web3 technology, and the transparency of the blockchain, we have a goal to support, educate, and onboard not only artists, but also athletes turned artists to become more sustainable in their respective crafts by providing them with the knowledge, resources, and relationships to do so.

Follow us!

IG: @21titles

Twitter: @21titles

Website: 21titles.com

Email: the21titles@gmail.com

21 Titles Presents: Wallet Walkthrough Wednesdays image