#21in21: Muscatatuck Fall Migrants Trip


Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1966 as a refuge to provide resting and feeding areas for waterfowl during their annual migrations. The refuge includes 7,724 acres near Seymour, and a 78-acre parcel, known as the Restle Unit, near Bloomington. The refuge mission is to restore, preserve, and manage a mix of forest, wetland, and grassland habitat for fish, wildlife, and people. Participants can expect a good mix of migrating waterfowl, songbirds (particularly sparrows such as Lincoln’s and Swamp).

Registered participants should meet at the Muscatatuck Visitor Center at 12985 E. U.S, Hwy. 50, Seymour, IN 47274. Participants will meet trip leader, David Crouch, at 8am. For specific questions, you can contact David before the trip with questions Here. Registration is free for IAS members, and $10 for non-IAS members.

To comply with CDC recommendations, all IAS field trips until further notice will have the follow restrictions:

  • All IAS trip participants must pre-register in advance for upcoming field trips
  • All IAS 2021 Field Trips are limited to 20 participants
  • All participants should utilize facial covering and/or social distancing during the field trip
  • All participants should plan on traveling separately rather than carpool during multiple location trips

All participants must read and agree to the IAS Field Trip Release to participate in IAS led events and trips. Field trips are free for IAS- Members and $10 for non-members. This trip is part of the 21 in 2021 Indiana Birding Trail Challenge. Find more #21in21 Hikes Here. We hope to see you there!