2nd Annual Christmas Toys and Joy Drive


Sincere Heartz Foundation has partnered with Sole_Jointz, Florida Rising, and Toys for Tots to host a Christmas Toy Drive this coming December 19,2021. We will be distributing toys to kids in our community and help bring joy and relief to those parents in need.

If you would like to register your child/children for this years Toy Drive please do so below here on Eventbrite. Remember to provide name of each child/children, age, gender, parent name, phone number, and email address. Event will take place at Dyer Park on the Hawk Pavilion. We look forward to seeing you all this coming December 19, 2021.

For those of you that’s interested in being a sponsor or you would like to donate, or volunteer with our organization please send us an email sincereheartzfoundation@gmail.com or visit our website at www.SincereHeartzFoundation.org

Remember no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted… We look forward to seeing the kids faces brighten up this holiday season as we continue to make a difference giving back all while changing hearts one at a time.