30 Days to More Connection with Your Family



What if in 30 days you could create a more connected relationship with your family?

What if simply by committing to a focus for 30 days you could create real CHANGE?

What if you had others also traveling the journey with you to support and cheer you on?

What if you were given doable, specific actions to take that would stretch you and allow you to grow into a better version of yourself?

What if there was NO COST to you - only the COMMITMENT to yourself?

In SEPTEMBER 2022 we will come together to CONNECT DEEPER WITH FAMILY

Follow and be part of the conversation and the support by being part of the Connect To Your Best Life with Jean O'Toole Facebook Group.

Every month we will focus on 1 area of life. In 30 days, explore how with intention, focus and a lot of FUN, you move the needle to living and connecting to an EVEN BETTER life for yourself!

Each month we will connect with ourselves, connect with others and connect with the world around us.

This exploration is free to participate in, and I hope that you will join us!

For those of you who would like to explore at a deeper level, I will be facilitating a weekly Best Life Mastermind group for each month's topic. The Best Life Mastermind group will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm EST via Zoom. The 30 minute small group sessions will provide accountability, increased momentum and private discussion. The Best Life Mastermind group will be held for 4 weeks on the specific area of life. Cost to join this private conversation weekly for 1 month is $88 total for all weeks (9/7, 9/14, 9/21 and 9/28).

So if you would like to simply follow the conversation and engage at no cost, join the Connect To Your Best Life with Jean O'Toole Facebook Group. If you would like to be part of the Best Life Mastermind group for the month of September, where we will focus on connecting with our families to improve relationships in 30 days, sign up here.

If you have questions, please reach out to Empowerment Coach Jean O'Toole at jeanotoole53@gmail.com.

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