5 Day - Summer Art Entrepreneurship Workshop for High School Students


5 Day - Summer Art  Entrepreneurship Workshop for High School Students image

Welcome! This 5-day workshop is truly a unique experience! Our virtual workshop is perfect for students interested in owning their own businesses or pursuing a career in the arts.

See workshop highlights

Day 1 : Define Entrepreneurship

On day 1 students will learn what being an entrepreneur actually is. Thanks to social media most students believe being an entrepreneur means being a high profile consumer. With the motto being spend money and flex on the gram. Our focus will be to show our students what a real next-door neighbor entrepreneur looks like. Consider this level-setting day.

By the end of this session, students will have a clear idea of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and their why.

Day 2: Investing 101 and Business Structure

For our second session, we will focus on investing. Students will learn easy ways to invest and different apps that can be used. We are not financial advisors however, we will be sharing what we have learned as investors. Day 2 will also cover the main structures of business entities as well as assets and liabilities.

By the end of day 2, students will know three investing apps and will understand the difference between assets and liabilities.

Day 3: Making Money

Day 3 will be a bit less heavy as we will have covered some pretty hearty topics. In session three we will cover the difference between profit and revenue. We will also introduce students to balance sheets. Finally, students will learn about the different types of income.

By the end of day 3, students will know the difference between passive and active income.

Day 4: Investing 101 (continued)

On day 4 students will learn more about investing. They will be introduced to the concept of dividends and compound interest. We will also go over a little bit about taxes and the benefits of owning a business. We are not accountants and do not claim to be however, we know enough to share.

By the end of day 4, students will understand the benefits of earning dividends.

Day 5: Wealth Over Riches

On our last day in session, we will close out with what it means to be wealthy. We will expand on what it means to have wealth for a lifetime. Students will learn the importance of short-term and long-term goals.

By the end of day 5, students will have set proper long and short-term goals.

By the end of the program, students will have a fuller understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur. They will also know how to set up multiple streams of income and how to create passive income. We are teaching students how to thrive in any artist field by teaching them the philosophy of money.

5 Day - Summer Art  Entrepreneurship Workshop for High School Students image

Each day students will start by creating a daily goal, naming something they are grateful for, and listing something they are proud of. We will then do a creative energy lifting activity!

Following the end of the day's session, students will complete a self-assessment to determine their efforts of the day. We are all about creative self-discipline!

5 Day - Summer Art  Entrepreneurship Workshop for High School Students image

About the instructor

Currently in 3 art based grant competitions. 4th in a national competition as of March 15th.

Currently a Student Life Coordinator for underserved high school students

NYU Film and TV Industry Essential Certificate : Currently Enrolled

Parsons Fashion Business Essentials Certificate : Currently Enrolled

Graduated Magna Cum Laude from University with a degree in Business

Wearable Art Creator

NFT Artist

Live Show Host, Director, and Producer

Owner of a family-owned and operated business