A Great Damn Improv Show Without Kevin


Look, we'll be frank. Originally Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall was going to be in town and was going to do a show with us. But then, conflicts arose due to his *brand new* Netflix show being released this June and he has to postpone his trip until after the release of his show.

So you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna do a great damn improv show without Kevin. And we hope you'll join us for a night of improv comedy inspired by your suggestions.

Stomping Ground Comedy follows current CDC recommendations regarding mask-wearing. Social distancing should be practiced and the theatre and common areas will be sanitized prior to each show. Alcoholic beverages are allowed for all attendees over 21 years old; patrons are asked to enjoy them responsibly. For the most current information on what to expect when heading to Stomping Ground visit our FAQ page.

A Great Damn Improv Show Without Kevin image