A Woven Journey - Beginner's Weaving Workshop - March 2023


In this 12-hour workshop over two consecutive Saturdays (March 11 & 18, 2023, 10 am to 4 pm), handweaver Margaret B. Russell takes the beginning weaver, or weaver who would like a refresher, through the entire weaving process, start to finish.

We will begin with learning about the weaving equipment, tools, and even the language used. Then each student will measure their fiber on a warping board, dress a loom (prepare the loom for weaving), and weave a patterned sampler/gamp. We will end with discussing finishing techniques and uses for your woven piece.

Workshop cost includes use of a 4-shaft table loom, equipment, tools, and fibers for each weaver.

A Woven Journey - Beginner's Weaving Workshop - March 2023 image
A Woven Journey - Beginner's Weaving Workshop - March 2023 image
A Woven Journey - Beginner's Weaving Workshop - March 2023 image