Acceptance Bootcamp 101: How to reach your goals using acceptance!


Hi, I'm Carolina and I'm so glad you are here.

This workshop is for you if you want a more aligned way of being with yourself when blocks come up so you can pivot more easily in your business, life, and relationships and not get taken out of the game.

Acceptance and Compassion are productive whereas judgment and resistance keep us locked up in old patterns and constantly running up against the same blocks/challenges. What we resist persists.

When we go for our goals, it is inevitable that blocks will come up. A block can look very differently for different people. For some it may be:

  1. looping in indecision and not taking action
  2. overwhelm
  3. doing too many things at once
  4. comparison and not thinking your are good enough
  5. overcomplicating things
  6. procrastination

I'm looking forward to sharing powerful tools that will help you navigate the journey towards your goal with more ease and grace.

*You will receive the online Zoom Call Details once you register.

With Love,
