Acterra's Spring Forum: Wellness in the Workplace


Join our discussion on how businesses are finding ways to ensure their employees are supported in their health and well-being while also limiting their organizations’ carbon footprint and environmental impact. From healthy building certification to offering expanded benefits for employees – businesses of all sizes are stepping up and adding more comprehensive benefits to attract and retain employees. Our panelists are experts in their field and have dedicated their work to organizational employee wellness.

Moderator: Breann Boyle, Sustainability Analyst, County of Santa Clara


- Kena David, Director of Sustainability, BCCI Construction and WELL Faculty Member

- Victoria Michalchuk, Healthy Buildings and Sustainable Design Expert, Genentech

- Tim Oey, Program Manager, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition

This event is being held as part of Acterra's Green Team Network comprised of volunteer representatives and sustainability professionals from a company or organization seeking to encourage sustainability practices and awareness in their workplace. To join the Network, click here.

Thanks to our Sponsor: LinkedIn

Acterra's Spring Forum: Wellness in the Workplace image