Anger Management Classes (Court Approved) 267-500-8776


The Philadelphia Diversion Center is here to assist you in your anger management needs. If you are attending for your own personal development or it is court mandated, we are here to assist you. We can assist you with classes and evaluation needs. If you need court mandated classes such as anger management classes, parenting classes, substance abuse classes, MRT training, SAP evaluations or more, the Philadelphia Diversion Center is here to service you. We understand that you have likely never been in this situation before. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the best customer service, telling you everything we can about your next steps, and offering our continued guidance and service so that you never make the same mistake again. We offer emergency classes and services because we know that time flies.

Anger Management Classes (Court Approved) 267-500-8776 image
Anger Management Classes (Court Approved) 267-500-8776 image