Antenatal Education Part 3- Infant Feeding Preparation - Brighton and Hove


Face to Face course covering all you need to know in order to get your breastfeeding or chest feeding journey off to the best start.

In line with becoming a Unicef Baby Friendly accredited maternity department, we do not provide classes covering formula feeding. If you are formula feeding our team will have a one to one conversation with you about safe formula feeding.

About this event

Start: 09:30

In this Course we will discuss all you need to know to get your infant feeding journey off to the best start. We will cover the principals of good attachment and positioning, strategies to help overcome common challenges, understanding the anatomy and how the body makes milk, how to tell your baby is getting enough milk, and the fourth trimester and normal new-born behaviour and much more!

Finish at 12:30

Bring a beverage and pen and paper if you would like to take notes and we will see you there. Partners encouraged to attend as well and are included in a single booking. One ticket will cover two people