August 20 Sunrise Wellness Sail Retreat & Massage


Sail into rejuvenation with Captain Dave from Jersey Coastal Adventures at the helm for a 3 hour Wellness Retreat on the beautiful Barnegat Bay! Wind Therapy promises to lull you into deep relaxation as you experience meditation, mindfulness, gentle yoga as well as a nurturing pampered session. Options to enjoy a swim or a float in a tube as you connect with friends & loved ones while we anchor ️out at sea.

Sunrise Sails: Saturday mornings 7-10 am

What You Will Experience

* Relaxing Guided Meditation & Mindfulness

* Light Yoga aboard "Wind Therapy" sailboat

* Sound Healing session Chakra Singing Bowls.

* 20 minute Massage by Carrie Villanueva @LiveWholeForLife

* Beautiful sail on the Barnegat Bay

* Healthy juice, water, and light refreshments provided

Contact Jaime Zazzara 908-910-2898 or via FB messenger with any questions

Instagram: @jzheals @captain_dave_52

JZ Heals Website:

Captain Dave:

August 20 Sunrise Wellness Sail Retreat & Massage image