Aus Open Recovery Brunch | Avo Good Weekend @NFT.NYC Fri


Avo Good Weekend

After a big week @NFT.NYC it’s important you refuel. So, if you own an AO Artball NFT (or just want to come and try some vegemite) please join us for free brunch.

As a thank you from Aus Open, brunch is on us at Brightside Cafe in Brooklyn.

Recover with a juice, vegemite, and our wonderful community before heading home, heading to bed or heading to the next party.

AO Artball. Forever in the game

Wen? Fri June 24th 10am - Noon

Where? Bright Side Cafe, 184 Kent Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11249

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Aus Open Recovery Brunch | Avo Good Weekend @NFT.NYC Fri image