Aussie Medium, Simon Hay at the Northshore Community Ctr, Sunshine Coast


An Evening With Simon Hay and Spirit

Simon Hay is a psychic medium, medical intuitive and healer. He travels throughout Australia doing private sessions and events.

At these events, Simon shares messages and accurate information from spirit, but he's passionate about educating about energy healing and mediumship so he also answers audience questions about his career. If you’re curious about communicating to spirit and energy healing, you’ll love this event.


  • A demonstration of psychic medium readings and healing
  • Some audience members will receive readings (attendance doesn't guarantee you'll get a reading)
  • Q and A — ask questions about spirit and energy healingArrive to be seated by 7:15 pm.

This is an adults only (16 years +) event.

You don't have to print your tickets. Your name will be on a list at the door.

Prior to attending this event, visit Simon Hay's website, read all the information there and the disclaimer in it's entirety.

Please don't attend this event if you have flu-like symptoms or are unwell, sign in using the QR code at the venue, and wash your hands upon entering. Thank you.

If this event is cancelled or postponed due to covid restrictions, all tickets will be refunded.