Back On Track: Key concepts to long term conservative pain management


Note: Class meets Monday and Wednesday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm (Dec.27 & Dec. 29)

Back and neck pain are among the leading causes of disability in the world. It can be frustrating searching for answers as to why you hurt and ways to successfully manage your pain long term.

This two part series is designed to give you a better understanding of your spine, your nervous system and ways that you can improve your pain and improve your ability to participate.

Day 1:

- Back Pain in Society

- Imaging and your spine

- Addressing common myths related to spine

- Your Nervous System :

o “The Alarm System”

o Why do I hurt?

o What keeps it active

Day 2:

- Common treatments for Pain

- Active treatment strategies:

o Benefits of Movement

o Sleep hygiene

o Stress management