Baltimore City 4-H Virtual Summer Nutrition Training


4-H is the largest youth development organization in the United States, with about 6 million participants and over 25 million alumni!

The Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program provides a supportive setting for youth to reach their fullest potential. Children learn beneficial cognitive and life skills through community-focused, research-based, experiential educational programs. Participation is open to all youth ages 5-18. The Clover Program is open to youth ages 5-7 years and the 4-H Program serves 8-18-year-old participants. 4-H values diversity and advocates for the inclusiveness of all children regardless of background or identity.

4-H has an over 100-year tradition of voluntary action through strong public and private partnerships at federal, state, and community levels. Local volunteer leaders and youth practitioners partner with local Extension staff from the University of Maryland to provide direct leadership and educational support to young people in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

The 4-H youth development program is a group of young people engaging in various projects, events, and activities with adult and teen leaders and their families. Regardless of the programs, each 4-H group involves youth, family, and community members working and learning together.

Baltimore City, 4-H programming began in 1970 with a pilot effort and a full program was begun in 1972.

To schedule a virtual training at your convenience contact Bidemi Oladiran, Baltimore City 4-H educator at, 410-856-1850 x116.

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