Beach Yoga for All Levels


Warm sand, sweet breeze, calming waves, and YOGA!!! Join our growing yoga community as we spend the summer on the beach. Get stronger, more flexible, and more at peace... all while enjoying some summer fun!

Here are some tips for beach yoga: Bring a mat, water, sunscreen, and a friend! Some people prefer a mat, others like to be right on the sand, the choice is yours! Either way the sand offers a soft cushion to support sore joints. Stay hydrated, the beach offers a beach bar and restaurant with limited hours. There can be a breeze so I recommend hair up.

We practice rain or shine! On really nice days we will be right down by the water at the end of the boardwalk. Look for Long Life Yoga directional signs. On windy, rainy, or cool days we will enjoy the shelter and overhang of Sole Restaurant!

Parking is free! Fees start at 10am on Saturday after our class already begins. On Sundays parking fees stop at 6pm before our 6:30pm class starts.

Register on Event Brite a head of time for $15/yogi... or $20 at the door. Follow us on Facebook @LongLifeYogaPractice and on Instagram @ long_lifeyoga