Betty White Energy Honoring


We believe energy is all around us and Betty White had some of the largest energy we've ever seen. With her purity of soul, her astounding grace, her resilience, and her ability to speak up no matter what, she Inspired millions and continued loving her profession until the day she died.

Looking to harness Betty White's Energy and her Legacy with the help of Melissa Ames and Elyse Alexander - two passionate boss babe world changers? Join this energy session to connect with your own inner badass fiery confidence.

The time that someone passes is the best time to honor them and seek their guidance and blessing. Gratitude goes a long way and in honoring her we will continue her legacy.

The night will include:

  • An intuitive sound bowl meditation - to seek her blessing in pursuing our hearts desires and connect to her courage and speak your truth unapologetically attitude.
  • Guided Movement & ecstatic dance - to move that energy through our bodies.
  • A chance to connect and share - to honor and send love to Betty White.
  • Fun interactive ways to step into that energy - to leave the event ready to harness that energy for creative endeavors AND to have fun in your life.

This event is donation based to honor Betty's Legacy and allow everyone to attend. The suggested Love exchange is $15. Everyone is welcome as the more energy we have the more we can grow and rise together. πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ”₯πŸ₯°