Bexar County ExpressVote New Clerk Training November 2022 Elections


Under the direction of Bexar County Election Staff, persons who have never served as an Election Clerk will  participate in hands on activities to enhance their understanding of the County's new universal voting system: ExpressVote. Attendees will be introduced to setting up a laptop used to qualify voters at the vote center. Attendees will also gain understanding of the County's e-PollBook system, VoteSafe , and print ballots using the ballot feature, ExpressLink. Lastly, attendees will be introduced to each part of the voting system: the DS200 (ballot scanner), the ExpressVote (ballot marking device), and the ExpressTouch (curbside voter unit).

Election Clerks assigned to work November 8th Election Day are strongly encouraged to attend  this training in person. Additionally, Clerks are encouraged to review their understanding of the Texas Election Code online at the Texas Secretary of State's website: Persons who have never used the online pollworker system must register by creating an account with an active email address. Existing users will access the system with the same username and password that was used to set up the account. If persons need assistance regarding their online account, please email: