Body Liberation and Parenting with an Abuser| Erika Zeb | Mondays


The Unapologetic Empire is a free virtual support group for women recovering from people pleasing, codependency, and self-betrayal. We host meetings five days a week, with five different facilitators who are survivors of damaging relationship ideology.


All participants MUST complete a safety screening in order to access our meeting links. Please complete the screening here:

For more information about The Unapologetic Empire, please visit

For a schedule of our support group meetings, please visit:

More Information About This Meeting:


Erika is the founder and CEO of her own coaching business where she focuses on helping women unlearn self hate, and embrace radical self love and acceptance so they can boldly and bravely live their lives off the path of expectation. She is in the business of the liberation of humanity by giving folks the safe space to explore and confront the toxic belief systems of the patriarchy. A former full time hair stylist, she used to help women cultivate confidence through their appearance and has a unique perspective on what self love actually is. But now, she helps women cultivate confidence through uncovering THEIR truth. Erika made a name for herself in the coaching world as the anti-diet, body loving, hold nothing back voice of radical self acceptance.

Personal Experience:

Erika is a survivor of DV and is currently in the middle of a high conflict divorce from her abuser. 9 months ago, she physically got out of the abusive environment she was living in with the help of a restraining order. Since then, 2 protective orders have been put in place and she is navigating the challenges of parallel parenting 2 young children with her abuser, whom she has no contact with.

Erika's Goddess Circle:

Erika’s goal is to give you a safe space to be seen and celebrated no matter what you are going through. She starts her circles with an opportunity for everyone to share celebrations and brags about themselves because celebrating ourselves every single step of the way is how we take our power back. She wants to challenge you to show up in ways you’ve been afraid to in the past. She’s got a fierce, bad bitch vibe that’s also oozing with compassion, kindness and so much love. Her circle is for anyone who wants a place to get real and raw and vulnerable.

Complete the screening to join here:

Body Liberation and Parenting with an Abuser| Erika Zeb | Mondays image