Boise Leadership Secret: How To Motivate & Inspire Your Employees?


Before you had employees, all you had to do was to make sure you are a high performer yourself. You know why you wanted to get up early in the morning, fight traffic, and get to work.

You now have employees, Millennial Employees! How do you get other people to want to produce high performance? How do get others to be as eager as you are?

Everyone is "uniquely different", with their own set of reasons, their own set of whys:

200 people on the same airplane flying from Los Angeles to New York, they are going from Los Angeles to New York for 200 different reasons!

  • Person A is going to New York for business ;
  • Person B came to Los Angeles from New York for vacation and is now returning home;
  • Person C is on his way from Los Angeles to London to visit his family and will be changing flight in New York;

You are going to New York for your own reasons. The other 199 passengers are also going to New York, but they are going for their own reasons.

Same trip, same destination, different reasons.

You can't project your reasons and your whys that motivate yourself onto your employees!

  1. Do you know what drives each and every one of your employees? What is their personal long, mid and short term goals? Do you know their individual reasons why they get up early in the morning, fight traffic, and get to work?
  2. How do you go about finding out what is the individual unique "What's In It For Me?" for each and every one of your employee?
  3. How do you create the feeling deep down inside each and every one of your employees that you are approachable - so your employees would feel safe to volunteer to tell you what you need to know?
  4. Why you need to "inspire" them instead of "motivate" them, and how?
  5. And how do you utilize their own individual unique set of "What's In It For Me", to get them to want to give you high performance?
  6. Do you understand the difference between "job security mindset" vs "career security mindset"?
  7. Do you understand employee's view on "income" vs "meaning"?
  8. Why you must think beyond money as the motivator?
  9. What are some of the reasons, drivers, motivators, that are not money? that can work more effectively than money to motivate your employees?
  10. How do you figure out what are some of the "beyond money" reasons, drivers and motivators, for each and every one of your employees?
  11. We will use what motivate consumers to spend money as examples to illustrate our teaching point, and equip you with the ability to figure out reasons other than money so you can use to motivate/inspire your employees for excellent performance.

You should attend if you are:

  1. A manager or a business owner,
  2. Managing a team of employees,
  3. Or managing a team of managers.

In just 1 hour, you will learn the skill to get your employees to Want to do what you Need them to do.

This class is "On-Demand". As soon as you register, you will be able to attend the class. There is no need to wait.

Comments from past students:

"I was frustrated when I couldn't get my employees to be as eager as me. After taking this class, I realized: I was trying to project my reasons and my whys onto my employees LOL other people are not me and they have their own reasons and their whys!"

"I could not get my employees to tell me what they wanted until I took this class. In this great class, I learned how to set it up so people will always want to volunteer to tell me what I needed to know - I had no idea how easy it can be if you know the right method and my old method was hard work and counterproductive!"

"Should've taken this class with Coach Michael Lin 5 years ago when I first had employees. I wish I learned all these secret insights 5 years ago! Don't make my mistake - you need to take this class ASAP!"

Boise Leadership Secret: How To Motivate & Inspire Your Employees? image

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