Breaking the Fashion Binary


“Breaking the Fashion Binary” aims to emphasize how clothing has no gender restrictions. The show will be held online. Featuring guest speaker and fashion activist Zain Shah, the show aims to degender clothing in order to create a more supportive environment for those who are marginalized by commercial images of masculinity and femininity. This way, we can encourage a more equal and accepting world.

All tickets sold will go towards supporting individual DREAM EQUAL chapters in order to promote their local training to counter gender stereotypes, advocacy efforts, and empowerment programs.

Many pieces displayed in the show will be auctioned off, with 100% of the proceeds also going towards the support of DREAM EQUAL programs.


It is our mission to empower all people to realize their full potential regardless of gender or sexuality so that future generations do not experience the harms that come from gender stereotyping At DREAM EQUAL, we take a proactive approach to tackling gender stereotypes, focus our efforts equally on all genders, and strive to be accessible to people with disabilities and of all socioeconomic levels.

Learn more about DREAM EQUAL here: