Brockport Morning Cycle Excursions


Thanks to the New York Power Authority funding the On the Canals program, we are offering free, two-hour excursions. The excursions will be three to six miles offered at a leisurely pace with stops along the way that is good for beginners or those accustomed to this pace. Our excursions will provide standard or adaptive (see descriptions below) cycle options and helmets. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a small drawstring bag or backpack to carry them in.

Excursions start and end at the Welcome Center (11 Water Street) in Brockport where there is municipal parking and accessible bathrooms. They will start from the Welcome Center and head west toward Sans Souci Park in Clarkson and then return to the Welcome Center. Participants are encouraged to go the entire way but may stop at any time or turn around and the rest will catch you on the way back.

Excursions are open to participants age 12 and up. If under 18, you must be accompanied by an adult. Available standard bicycles are adult size. Please help us keep the adaptive equipment for those that need it so that they can participate along with family and friends.

Excursions will be from 9:30-11:30 am.

Excursion dates are: August 6, 7, 20, 21, 27, and 28, September 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, and 25, 2022. Please continue to check dates as plans change and tickets may become available at a later date.

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If you think this excursion is not enough, check our our afternoon excursions. In the afternoon, we will be going a little bit further (9 to 12 miles) at a more steady pace. We will go from the Welcome Center to the Holley Canal Park spillway and back to the Welcome Center.

In partnership with Rochester Accessible Adventures, anyone in need of an adaptive cycle can sign up and will be provided an adaptive cycle, helmet, onsite training and a canal buddy. Pick your ticket for the type of cycle you need.

Check out their website at:

Adaptive cycles to be used are from Erie Canal Boat Company, Fairport, New York. They offer adaptive kayaks and cycles.

Check out their website at:

Standard bicycles to be used are from the Brockport Welcome Center. Bicycles are available for use outside of these excursions.

Check out their website at:

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There are three types of adaptive cycles available (see tickets).

The EZ Tri Classic is very comfortable with a padded seat and mesh seat back for good airflow. The seat is high enough at 22 inches that getting on and off is relatively easy; it has a weight capacity of 300 lbs.

Handlebars can be lowered or raised to make steering and braking the bike within comfortable arm range for many. With three wheels, the trike has good stability and is easy to handle at various speeds with the 21 gear shifter, and it makes stopping to rest possible without getting off or putting your foot down! Our EZ 3 Classics come with an adaptive foot pedal for added power and foot stability during your ride.

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The MonoMano is a fantastic adaptive bike created by students at the University of Rochester. Designed to help address the needs of one side weakness, the MonoMano is mounted on an EZ 3 trike and bypasses the standard handlebars to enable individuals to control the stearing, braking, and gear shifting with one arm/hand with easy centralized locus of control. The MonoMano can be set up to provide greater control for either the left or right side.

Our MonoMano trike comes equipped with adaptive foot pedals for greater power and foot stability. The weight capacity is 300 lbs.

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The Hand Cycle is a great way to have fun, get fit and stay active so you can enjoy life to the fullest - so get cranking. Stable, maneuverable and easy to transfer into and out of, the Excelsior Stock Handcycle can go up to 15 mph. It features a simple fore-aft sliding seat, uncomplicated adjustable footrest system and a straightforward crank height adjustment.

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Brockport Morning Cycle Excursions image
Brockport Morning Cycle Excursions image