Building a Personal Brand (Web and Beyond Rountable)


Web and Beyond Community’s Small Business virtual conversation, Web and Beyond Roundtable, is an opportunity to bring together business owners in real-time conversation to address topics pertinent to marketing and managing in the Digital Age. Each month, we network and cover a different business topic (that sometimes brings in subject matter experts to co-facilitate the topic and answer questions).

For our next Web and Beyond Roundtable, we will discuss:

Building a Personal Brand

October 4, 2022 at 12:00 noon EST

You have a personal brand whether you created it, or not. In today’s always-on, connected world, people learn about you from all the various digital platforms you’re present on. It’s best to put the best digital footprints forward where you can to create a personal brand that represents you well.

In this month’s Roundtable, we’re going to discuss how to build a personal brand and why that impacts your business. Come with your experiences on what you’ve done around personal branding and what outcomes you’ve had from it.

Join us for the Web and Beyond Roundtable with your questions, research, observations, and more!

✅ Register in advance for this meeting:

👉🏻 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting (along with a 📅 calendar link to add the Small Business Virtual Roundtable to your calendar).