Building Your Self-Care Toolbox for Busy Entrepreneurs


You are invited to join The Confident Fempreneur Club for our next Visibility + Confidence workshop!

When you are running a business and juggling all the things, creating time and space for self-care can be a challenge and sometimes put on the back burner. The busier we are though, the more important self-care is! It is what fills our cups so that we can show up as our best selves for our businesses.

Our guest speaker, Maritza Levy, is going to lead us in a presentation on creating a self-care toolbox for ourselves based on our own love language. She will also cover practical tips on how we can fit our self-care routines into our busy schedules.

This is a 1 hr webinar over Zoom.

This event is FREE to all women entrepreneurs.


- Participant Introductions

- Workshop

- Q & A

About our speaker:

Maritza is a wife, mother of three amazing human beings and creator of Body by Keke. She is all about stepping into your power and taking ownership of YOUR happiness. She believes that tapping into your dreams, desires and goals is key to discovering your "self-love language".

Maritza has made it her personal mission to provide her clients with the tools they need to create a self-care/self-love ritual that is perfect for them. Some of these tools are available in her collection of bath and body products that are 100% handcrafted and made with quality ingredients. She has also learned that knowledge is power and healing, in any form, comes best with support. For this reason, Maritza now offers workshops and one on one support to aid you on your self-care journey.