Business Social Network Houston


ATTN BUSINESS OWNERS: BSNH Business Social Network Houston is looking to add the following professions to our group:

Attorneys (criminal, business, personal injury, etc), Commercial Realtor, Physicians, Dentists, Chiro, Videographer/photographer, printing company, promo product company, credit repair, Insurance (p&c, life) and much more…

We need those professions to pass our referrals to. If you are a business professional looking to grow your business via referrals, visit us at The Cannon! We meet every Wednesday at 3pm. NO COVER.

The Business Social Network of Houston is organized to provide an avenue to grow each member’s businesses by creating an environment that results in quality referrals and closed business while encouraging social connection, camaraderie and professional interaction with integrity and excellence. If you want more info about what BSNH is, visit US EVERY Wednesday 3pm-4:15pm