Camino to the C-Suite: Advancing in the Workplace as a Latina


According to the department of Labor, there are currently 29 million hispanics in the workforce, and that number is set to increase to 35.9 million in .Yet, as of 2021, only 4% of large companies have hispanics in the top ranks.

The numbers gets worse for latinas.

Hispanic and Latina women make up just 1.6% of senior executives in the nation’s largest companies. Latinas are also underrepresented as managers (4.4%) and as professionals (3.2%) In fact, it pretty much well known that Latinas perform well only to get stuck from IC to Manager..the broken rung.

Furthermore Latinas face a double-edged sword of sexism and racism in the workplace. As women, Latinas are stereotyped as less capable than men, and Latinas are stereotyped as less intelligent than other demographics.

With Hispanic History Month, we are creating this panel specifically designed to empower Latinas in the workplace. Please join me and four other amazing Latinx coaches as we have an empowering and rich discussion on what are the challenges and opportunities for Latinas, and actionable advice from seasoned experts.

Together we’ll discuss:

  • The state of Latinas in the workplace.
  • What are some of the common challenges that get on the way, and what to do about them.
  • What are some areas of opportunities for Latinas.
  • Actionable tips and advice that will set you on your way to the c suite.

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Yanira Guzmán is the Founder of The Career Gem, a full-service career coaching business. She has over 15 years of guiding others to achieve their career aspirations. As a first-generation college graduate, she helps committed Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx position themselves for their next career role, resulting in increased income benefitting themselves, their families, and their communities. Yanira has a background in nonprofit leadership development, software implementation and customer-training for a top 50 Forbes tech company, complemented by 8+ years of teaching in California’s public elementary schools, in both urban and affluent school districts as a Spanish bilingual teacher and literacy coach.

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Beatriz Albini-Ruiz is an Executive Leadership Coach and Founder of Prime You Coaching. Beatriz is a certified professional coach who helps professionals define and elevate their unique voices so they can lead fulfilling, balanced lives and careers. She works with executives, emerging leaders, and tech professionals to overcome self-sabotage and step into their true leadership potential. She does that by equipping professionals with the mindset and skillset to achieve the confidence to lead. Beatriz believes that everyone deserves to attain their dreams in a way that is authentic and inclusive for them, and she's here to show you how.

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Cristina Costa is on a mission to empower people of color with the mindset, professional skills and confidence to succeed. She is the Founder of Cristina Costa Coaching where she offers career and empowerment coaching to BIPOC job seekers, career transitioners and entrepreneurs. Cristina offers diversity, equity and inclusion and human resources training to organizations across industries. Cristina is a Career Coach and most recently the Community Manager at LVE where she is building The Career Journey -- a supportive community for career transitioners ALONG their professional journeys.

Cristina previously worked in talent development at Google and also led an organization called Women With Purpose which provided professional development training and workshops for women of color in the Boston area. She served 500+ women of color and has coached 300+ job seeking software engineers.

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Carolina Caro is a Certified Leadership Coach, a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultant, a Professional Speaker, trainer and facilitator.

She specializes in coaching diverse leaders to break through Generational Conditioning to create intentional results. By helping them uncover these their blind spots they can consciously develop behaviors that cultivate their leadership potential. It is her intention to help organizations create inclusive cultures and empower individuals to discover and express who they truly are at the core.

Carolina is trained with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and is credentialed with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) where she maintains her Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation. She is also a professional speaker, who was invited to share her journey through her TEDx Talk, “The Mindful Shift from ME to WE.” She has earned the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) status with the National Speakers Association, which is held by less than 15% of speakers globally. She is also a member of the Society for Diversity and holds both the Certified Diversity Professional (CDP) and Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) credentials.

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Anyelis Cordero, MHRM is a First-Gen Latina Coach, Facilitator & Speaker. She is the Founder of Propel On Purpose Coaching, whose mission is to empower the career development and economic mobility of first-generation students and professionals. Because first gens tend to be raised with a “survival mode” mindset, POP Coaching helps them gain clarity of purpose, build confidence in their powerful skills & experiences, and cultivate the courage to pursue their greatest potential.

Anyelis has a decade of Corporate HR experience with specialization in Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition & Management, and Diversity & Inclusion. Prior to that she spent 4yrs managing the Hispanic Women’s Resource Center of a community based non-profit organization. Paying it forward to the next generation is a critical part of her personal mission thus she serves on two non-profit boards that empower first-gen students & professionals: the Cuban American Alliance for Leadership and Education (CAALE) where she Chairs their Leadership Development Committee, and 100Hispanic Women - NJ chapter. She previously served as a Mentor Coach with America Needs You NJ, a non-profit that empowers low-income, first-gen college students.