Camping 101 at Camp Chowenwaw Park



Camping at Clay County’s Camp Chowenwaw is easier than most areas because of the dining hall, full kitchen, and hot water shower restrooms located at every campground loop. You can bare-bones it in your own tent, or choose several options of cabins available in the park. This class will give you and your family the confidence to enjoy the outdoors, and learn more about yourselves.

Camping 101 is a 45-minute class for new and novice campers to give some background in packing, sleeping gear, tents and shelters, and most important, easy meals. Lots of opportunities for questions and answers will be at the end of the class, which is taught by the Park Resource Manager, Randy Ferris. Randy has been in parks operations for the last 4 decades, managing state, county, city, and private parks across the country.

Limited to 30 people, please sign up in advance. Class will meet at pavilion next to the Pawpaw Nature Center. Water and bug spray are recommended.