Capricorn SUPER DUPER Full Moon Online Meditation



About Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign which means it has the power to ignite change in your physical world. It corresponds with the tenth house of career and social status, the highest point in the chart, revealing the success you can aspire to.

Celebrate - Assess - Recalibrate

While the Capricorn Full Moon shines a light on your successes thus far, it is also for releasing the structures you have built your life on that no longer support your Great Work, your life’s mission, the path you are defining. As you reassess your life, it might prompt you to change your work environment, your work process, you might consider a new job, or shift how you present your professional and public self in the world.

Embodying the Feeling of your Greatest Success Story

Capricorn is regarded as the Sea Goat who has both the strength and capacity to navigate the depths of the ocean, your emotional response to life, and the journey to the top of the mountain, and the legacy you wish to create. So the Capricorn Full Moon energy supports you in recognizing your feelings, and using them to recalculate your journey to the apex of the mountain you desire to climb, the highest vision of success you hold for yourself. In Capricorn's Full Moon light, you can really feel into who you are at your peak!!! The Sea Goat gives us an incredibly broad perspective unlike any other sign's avatar.

The Capricorn Full Moon energy will help you embody that feeling of your greatest self, opening your mind for recreating the fundamental framework of your life that supports and fortifies your journey to Your Unique Magnificent Destiny.

This SUPER DUPER FULL MOON is the largest and brightest of the year because the moon will be closest to the earth at this time. If you live on the coast, you will see massive king tides, and so it is understandable that it will impact us more powerfully as well.

Using Your Emotions For Creating Success

Full Moons shine a light on your inner world revealing more about how you feel about your self and your life. This Capricorn Full Moon is likely to bring up powerful emotions within you for two particular reasons. Firstly, the moon is reflecting Sun's light shining from Cancer which is the emotive water sign that tends to show you where you feel vulnerable and insecure. Secondly, Moon will be in alignment with transformation Pluto that can reveal the secrets you have been hiding from yourself and the power struggles you have been avoiding in order to transform them and thus take back your power.

Taking Control of Your Life

Capricorn activates you for taking responsibility for your life. So while the feelings might be confronting, they are designed to provoke you to make changes that will strengthen your life's experience.

Saturn is the governor of Capricorn, the planet of authority and discipline who keeps a record of your actions in the rings that surround him. Currently Saturn is making a square, a 90° angle with the Moon's nodes which is urging us to make any adjustments we can for stretching ourselves in order to create a healthier, sustainable, and prosperous way forward. Sun and Moon are making harmonious aspects with Moon's nodes too, giving us the energy and inspiration to show up for ourselves with maturity, diligence and enthusiasm.

Our Practice

~ Gentle Mindful Movement ~

With breath and mindful movement, you will circulate energy through your body, releasing tension and stress in preparation for the meditation.

~ Guided Meditation for Exploring Your Current Life Path and Experience Yourself at Your Peak ~

In this meditation you will begin with a heart activating practice and then connect with and embody your Highest Self. You will journey deep into your emotional body to experience honestly how you are feeling about your life, your purpose, and where you are at at this time on your path. From a deep meditative state, you will be guided to the top of the mountain you wish to climb, experiencing your flow state, empowered as you remove the obstacles that you had placed upon your path. Embodying the feeling of being at your peak, and experiencing the accompanying mindset, activates the law of attraction. Feels so good!

~ Breath Meditation for Activating Your Power and Self Control ~

This Kundalini Breath Meditation, redirects the energy of your emotions for self-empowerment. There is a lot of energy financing the difficult emotions you experience, and as you disentangle this energy, you can use the liberated energy for creating the life you desire.

~ Glorious Gong Bath ~

During this deeply relaxing sound healing bath, lie down, cover your eyes, and get cozy perhaps with a blanket and pillow. In this blissful state of peace, receive the harmonizing, and uplifting Capricorn Full Moon energies. Awaken renewed, integrated.

~ Close ~

I will provide you with an activating breath practice that you can use at any time for activating your power for excellence.

~How to prepare~

In these days leading up to the Full Moon, ask yourself the following questions. Are you satisfied with your life and your work? Do you feel that you are on the right track? Are you making steps towards your goals and dreams each day? Are there areas in your life where you self-sabotage? If so, what is the underlying reason? Are you using your energy appropriately and effectively?

And then on the evening of our meditation, prepare a lovely cosy space to meditate with all your creature comforts, like candles, incense, water, and pillows.

I look forward to meditating with you in the light of this incredible SUPER DUPER CAPRICORN FULL MOON! See you soon!

Love, Kalyan Darshan


About Cosmic Events

When we bring our lives into flow with nature and her seasons, and the cosmos and its grand cycles, we bring harmony and momentum into our lives. Nature is constantly evolving and when its energies guide our practices and daily routines, our personal evolution is divinely supported.

Cosmic Events include Yoga, Breath Practices, Mantas, and Meditations that help us to align with and benefit from the energies flowing to us from the seasons and current cosmic alignments.