CCNY World Food Day 2022


This World Food Day, we invite you to join us in a week-long activation in an effort to support ongoing programming and student scholarships around Benny's Pantry.

On October 13th starting at 12:00 PM, we invite you to visit our farmer's market and CSA program, Market In The Heights. Then, at 4:00 PM, we invite you to join us for our yearly panel discussion (offered in-person and online)*.

As New York City works to not only rebuild from the pandemic, but set the stage for what the future of New York City should look like for our neighbors and for those who look to the city as a place to return to year after year. The city that ‘never sleeps’ may have taken a pause to take care of those most in need during the past two years, and now our priorities must necessarily shift to think about a more safe, more inclusive future.

Economic development, thinking beyond just providing basic needs to creating sustainable models to eradicate homelessness, food insecurity, health disparities and other societal issues that continue to prevent upward mobility are going to be key to any future planning we do as a city.

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” - Unknown

People have a lot to contend with on a daily basis. Our lives can move so quickly, and with that we have the additional weight of being pulled in many directions: Climate change, political discourse, worries about the economy - it can become easy to forget about those who don’t have the ability to adjust or adapt to any change, especially ones that affect mental and physical health and economic stability. World Food Day theme for 2022 is to remind ourselves that as one society, especially in moments of recovery, we must not leave anyone behind.

Each activation will push towards Lavender Giv continues to support our existing efforts, secures internships for students and curate more programming that is community-supported in developing sustainable economic growth.

Help us spread the word! Follow the World Food Day fun on CCNY social media platforms using the hashtags #CCNYLeaveNoOneBehind #CCNYWFD2022 #WorldFoodDay2022 #LavenderGivingDay and tell us how you would ensure that no one is left behind.


Since first opening its doors in 2015, Benny's Food Pantry has provided support, community and healthy food options to CCNY students and the entire campus community. When the COVID pandemic hit us in 2020, Benny's expanded to multiple locations on campus, as well as expanding its reach to provide access to not just CCNY students, but any and all CCNY, CUNY and the West Harlem neighborhood community members. In 2021, Benny's provided over 16,000 pounds of food. So far this year, our pantries have had about 848 visits.

Today, you can find Benny’s Food Pantry at 4 locations on our campuses:

- North Campus | Hoffman Lounge

- Office of Facilities Management | Compton - Goethals Hall

- South Campus | The Towers at CCNY

- Center for Worker Education - City College Downtown

register today to let us know which activities you are planning to join.

  • 4PM - Discussing Food Insecurity On Campus and Beyond (Panel Discussion)
  • 12PM to 6PM Market in the Heights (On Campus Farmers Market)
  • 12PM to 2PM - Wellness Tabling Event (NAC Plaza)

CCNY World Food Day 2022 image
CCNY World Food Day 2022 image