CEA-HOW Connected In Recovery CEA-HOW Conectado en recuperación


Connected in Recovery: presented by the CEA-HOW fellowship along with the WSO Board of Directors, is being held on Sunday, August 1, 2021, from `11:00 am ET until 5:00 pm ET. The ZOOM platform will be utilized for the event providing speakers and workshops with opportunities for sharing*.

Conectado en recuperación: presentado por la beca CEA-HOW junto por la hermandad Directiva de la OSM, se llevará a cabo el domingo 1 de agosto de 2021, desde las 11:00 am ET hasta las 5:00 pm ET. La plataforma ZOOM se utilizará para el evento, proporcionando oradores y talleres con oportunidades para compartir.*

*The event will be recorded. Please be aware that any participant sharing/pitching will be recorded.

*Se grabará todo el evento. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier participante que comparta será grabado.

Registration information. *Información del registro.

Registration is online. The suggested donation is $25.00, however, each donation, regardless of amount will serve as one ticket.

If you are using the Safari browser on an Apple device to register or having any trouble with registering, use the Google Chrome browser instead. We have had many reports that Safari has a popup blocker that is not readily disabled and therefore not allowing for completion of the registration process. We have reports that the Google Chrome browser is working on all devices, including Apple.

Caution: If you are registering tre day of or during the event, there can be a 0 to 15 minute delay for your registration to be recognized in Zoom.

For any questions, concerns/assistance with registration, please email Jan D. at janinrecovery@hotmail.com or call (928) 279-6021 PT.

La inscripción es en línea. La donación sugerida es de $25.00, sin embargo, cada donación, sin importar la cantidad servirá como un boleto.

Si está utilizando un dispositivo Apple para registrarse o tiene algún problema con el registro, utilice el navegador Chrome. Hemos tenido muchos informes de que Safari tiene un bloqueador de ventanas emergentes que no se desactiva fácilmente y por lo tanto no permite completar el proceso de registro. Tenemos informes de que Chrome funciona en los dispositivos de Apple.

**Para asistencia en español llame o envie su mensaje de texto a Yuli al teléfono (760) 698-0850 Pacific, o envie un correo electrónico a: yguzman88@gmail.com.

GUIDELINES for the ZOOM event: To avoid unnecessary distractions for others--

  • Keep audio muted unless speaking.
  • If using a mobile device, please keep it stationary while video is on.
  • Due to the variety of time zones, no specific mealtimes will be scheduled.
  • If eating during the conference, please turn video off.
  • Remember that if your video is on everyone can see you, so act as if you are at a live meeting.

ORIENTACIONES para el evento ZOOM: Para evitar distracciones innecesarias para los demás--

  • Mantenga el audio silenciado a menos que usted esté hablando.
  • Si utiliza un dispositivo móvil, manténgalo parado mientras el vídeo está encendido.
  • Debido a la variedad de zonas horarias, no habrá horario para el almuerzo.
  • Si come durante la conferencia, por favor apague el video.
  • Recuerde que cualquiera puede verle a menos que su video esté apagado, así que actúe como si estuviera en una reunión en vivo.

Please note:

While the goal of the event is to bring the worldwide fellowship together to promote our recovery, it also serves as a fund raiser to help CEA-HOW continue to function. We appreciate your contribution based on what is right for your recovery and ability to contribute.

Si bien el objetivo del evento es unir a la confraternidad mundial para promover nuestra recuperación, también sirve para recaudar fondos para ayudar a que CEA-HOW continúe funcionando. Agradecemos su contribución basada en su capacidad y deseo de apoyar a CEA-HOW.

CEA-HOW, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, for income tax purposes a donor may deduct only the amount by which a contribution exceeds the fair market value of goods and services received in exchange. No goods or services were exchanged so your full contribution can be deducted.