Chakra Movement Series with The Yoga Mermaid: Part Four


Chakra Movement Series with The Yoga Mermaid, Part Four: The Anahata Chakra

We will get to know the fourth chakra, the Anahata chakra, through movement inspired by and intertwined with yoga flow and dance. No experience necessary - come as you are!

The movement class will start off with breathwork, followed by a discussion about the Anahata chakra. Each student will receive an info sheet about the chakra with a related journal prompt, as well as a crystal to take home with you! Feel free to stay after to hang and splash around in Bull Creek! You are welcome to bring snacks for after and please also be sure to bring your yoga mat, water, and a towel if you so desire! :)

This event is weather permitting - if it looks like rain, then I'll update you on the status of the class. :)