Chakra Tune Up


What if you could heal yourself with your own energy? What if you could administer energy medicine to support the health of yourself & others?

This is a weekend retreat, immersion, and full body, mind, spirit experience. You will have an entire weekend to dive into yourself, to experience the unseen parts of you, and to activate healthy patterns in your chakra system.

This immersive course has been curated to share information on the mechanics of energy of the quantum chakras. Chakras, energy centers inside and beyond the body, can become wonky with trauma, programming, and repetitive patterning. These energy centers, when balanced, create a foundation of a healthy body and life. We will dive into the metaphysical, esoteric, and quantum aspects of the chakra system to identify the areas that could use healing and the tools to do so. This course will cover the 12-chakra system as well as the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual relationships of each.

Are you ready to have a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you? Are you ready to feel more aligned and empowered? You’ll receive tools to apply this knowledge to your daily human practices to feel better and live a healthier more abundant life.

You'll experience frequency attunement to balance the chakras, you'll learn how to create sacred sounds to harmonize your energy centers, you'll get to move your body to bring your chakras into alignment... all while having space to ask questions, relax, and meet other curious people in the community who are interested in the metaphysical parts of the Universe.