Chronicles of Caregiving: A Reflective Writing Workshop


BrightStar Care and Tidewater Community Writing Center are excited to announce a writing workshop for professional caregivers. Light refreshments provided.

Reading and writing stories about the experience of illness and aging can provide caregivers an outlet to explore the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional trials and triumphs of caregiving. Through a series of short reading and writing exercises, this workshop will introduce participants to the therapeutic potential of storytelling as a method to promote healing, cultivate empathy, and improve care for both caregivers and their patients. Participants will read and discuss short literary texts as well as respond to reflective writing prompts that invite storytelling about personal experiences with caregiving. Though not required, participants will be invited to share their stories with the group for deeper discussion, connection, and engagement. This workshop offers a safe environment for participants to explore the ways in which storytelling and compassionate listening can build community and healing among professional caregivers.

Chronicles of Caregiving: A Reflective Writing Workshop image