Church Safety & Security Conference- Church Security Essentials


With industry re-known church and place of worship experts, join the Church Safety Guys for a great day packed with information and leadership learning!

Covering the following topics:

  • Being Ministry focused with the Ministry Lifecycle
  • Situational Awareness
  • Ministry Tools
  • Pastors' Paradox
  • Servant Leadership
  • Security/Safety Team Operations
  • Handling Disruptions & DLR's (Doesn't Look Right)
  • Protecting Children and Children's Ministries

Keynote Speakers:

Dave "Boon" Benton: Dave "Boon" Benton, one of the founders of, has a combined 24 years serving in specialized teams and leadership roles in the military, law enforcement, protective security, and intelligence community. He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter, sniper, breacher, tactical medic, team leader, and instructor positions from explosive entry.

Boon was part of the security team that responded to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. The team fought terrorists for more than 13 hours while saving more than 20 lives. Their story is told in the book "13 hours" written by Mitchell Zuckoff and the five-surviving annex security team members and in the movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.”

Dr. James McGarvey: James is the Executive Director of The Church Safety Guys, and a best-selling author, ministry coach, speaker and radio host. The Church Safety Guys regularly impacts churches around the globe through the With over 30 years’ experience in public safety, executive protection, Biblical academics and church ministry, he regularly guides churches all over the world with practical methods to keep their communities safer. He holds a BS in Bible and Computer Systems Management from Emmaus Bible College, an MBA in Marketing from Grand Canyon University and a PhD in Religion and Organizational Leadership from Centurion Bible College. James started the non-profit "The Church Safety Guys" in 2014 to emphasize "Ministry Mindset" with church and place of worship security and has coached churches all over the United States. The Church Safety Guys "live broadcast" is now actively streamed in all 7 continents and impacts churches everywhere.

Mike Scully: Mike brings 20+ years of experience in Operations, Safety, Security, Nonprofit Operations & Communications. Mike has served in Emergency Management where he worked on preparedness, technology, public information, and launched their drone program. He served as a Deputy Director of their Emergency Response Team where he helped with volunteer operations, procedures, executive protection, and event management. He also served with Homeland Security where he handled social media communications and coordinated Emergency Responder Training in Active Threat drills in the state of MA. Mike has served 7 years as an elected official leading community preparedness, emergency alert information, and crisis communications in a medium-sized community. Mike serves as a broadcast host of the Church Safety Guys broadcast and author/creator of the Ministry Lifecycle- a ministry modeled proven to successfully assist churches with volunteer retention.

Jason White: Jason holds a Master of Theological Studies degrees from Liberty University. Together, him and his wife Heather, work as a team serving the Lake Nona campus of East Coast Believers Church. Their hearts for serving others has led them on mission trips to the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa to teach those who have given their lives to minister to unreached peoples groups. Their careers in the criminal justice field has provided them with a unique perspective on reaching the lost while striving to provide peaceful environments for worship. Jason has authored "Church Security and Outreach: A Spirit Led Strategy to Pursue the One and Protect the Ninety-Nine".

Dwayne Harris: Dwayne Harris is an Ordained Bishop within the Church of God of Cleveland Tennessee. He is the founder of Full Armor Church and is an International Evangelist. Dwayne has been featured on Christian television, radio, and as a keynote speaker. In addition to ministry, Dwayne serves in full time law enforcement as a criminal investigator in Central Florida. He is a decorated officer with over 18 years of experience and has served on the S.W.A.T. Team and Crisis Intervention Unit. Dwayne is a licensed law enforcement instructor and teaches various tactical and investigative courses at State Universities. He has also provided law enforcement and military training inside Guatemala, in exchange for the opportunity to share the Gospel message. As a result, they have seen over 1900 officials respond to receive salvation in the last 6 years. Dwayne developed the Full Armor Church training program after seeing a need for security programs that are tactically sound and spiritually centered. He uses his firsthand experience of law enforcement tactics, responses to critical incidents, de-escalation and control techniques, and spiritual warfare concepts to build realistic security models.

Ron Aguiar: Ron Aguiar is considered an expert in church safety and security. With more than 30 years of experience in private security, law enforcement, and church security, he is able to relate and respond to just about any security-related situation a church or para church organization would face. He has helped hundreds of churches across the country in setting up and improving their safety and security programs, which focus on subjects such as child abuse prevention, active shooter response training, and keeping the church's money safe. He has partnered with organizations such as the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Church Mutual Insurance Company, and the Louisville Metro Police Department to deliver training where representatives from hundreds of churches have been educated on ways to increase safety for their members. In 2019, Aguiar released the second edition of his book "Keeping Your Church Safe" in hopes of educating churches across the globe about scenarios that could possibly take place in their buildings and among their members and how to prevent and/or react accordingly. Aguiar founded Oasis Safety in 2017 following his retirement as Director of Safety and Security from Southeast Christian Church.

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