Cleveland Ohio Smart-guided Bicycle Tour - Emerald Necklace Riverside Trail


Experience Cleveland's Emerald Necklace by bike!

CycleNuts Selfie Cycling Tours

Enjoy this 32 mile cycling adventure primarily on the magnificent Emerald Necklace bikeway set within the Rocky River Valley Metropark in Cleveland, Ohio. The green center-lined bikeway follows the lay of the land, winding alongside the Rocky River through woods and fields with just enough inclines to make good use of your bike's gearing.

The Emerald Necklace borders the greater Cleveland area, yet once one descends into the lavish wooded greenery of the valley the city noise racket is replaced with the sounds of rushing river rapids, the chatter of multiple sorts of wildlife inhabitants, and the everchanging joyful sounds and aromas of people playing ball, cooking out, and celebrating the great outdoors. And even, at times, as one travels along the Emerald Necklace bikeway, just the gentle symphony of nature.

At the trails end, climbing out of the valley the route takes a short winding course through a lakefront mansion neighborhood to the midway turnaround spot, right on the shore of majestic Lake Erie on a short picturesque stretch of beach.

This smart-guided route is 92% bikeway and comes with CycleNuts' 50% downhill guarantee. Sweating is optional. You set your own pace, starting time, guest list (maybe, just you) and touring agenda with CycleNuts' expert smart-guided cycle tour pattern.

Points of interest: The Emerald Necklace Trail, Rocky River, Lake Erie, Rocky River Reservation, Rocky River Nature Center, Berea Falls Scenic Overlook, Coe Lake, and Rocky River Park. Optional tasty stop is Bearden's Steakburgers (a CycleNuts tested and approved tasty spot).

HERE'S THE PLAN: You bring the bike. CycleNuts provides the smart-tour guide! Via email you receive an expertly designed and tested tour route. Simply click on the emailed link and follow the expertly designed Selfie Tour route using your smart phone as your personal smart-tour guide for the Voice and Map guided turn-by-turn instructions.

  1. From your location simply click on link 1 provided by CycleNuts (using your cell phone) and follow the Google Maps directions to the starting spot;
  2. Unload your bike (if you transported it to the starting spot), or if you rode your bike to the starting spot then you are good to go;
  3. and then click on link 2 provided by CycleNuts and begin the tour (for more complex tours there may also be a link 3 or 4 to click on along the way as well as additional instructions).

WHERE TO RENT A BIKE: Listings provided in the ticket purchase confirmation.


GET YOUR TICKET TODAY! - take note that the tour starting and ending times on the ticket are only a general guideline to give you an idea of how much time the tour may take at the minimum. Your time in the saddle, on the trail, and starting times are your call - it is your tour.

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Cleveland Ohio Smart-guided Bicycle Tour - Emerald Necklace Riverside Trail image
Cleveland Ohio Smart-guided Bicycle Tour - Emerald Necklace Riverside Trail image

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