Coding for Beginners | Tic Tac Toe with React | Online


Curious about how websites are made? Looking for a new skill to show off to your friends? This is for you! Join Flatiron School as we discuss the building blocks of a web application and create a working TIC TAC TOE game in your browser.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Building blocks of a website
  • What is React and how does it relate to the building blocks
  • Tooling for creating a project
  • How to use React to create a Tic Tac Toe game

Who is the workshop for?

No experience is required to attend! If you’ve had some experience with React in general, there is still a lot to learn from this workshop. This is a no-strings-attached opportunity for you to gain design knowledge and find out if software engineering is something you’re passionate about.

Just show up, and learn something new! Looking for a place to get started in the meantime? Sign up and get coding with our FREE Coding Bootcamp Prep curriculum, linked here.