College Planning – What Juniors and Sophomores Need to Know and Do - TODAY


(For families with high school juniors and sophomores)

Thursday, March 10th from 7:00 to 7:45 pm EST

College Planning – What Juniors and Sophomores Need To Know - TODAY

So, you think you know what it takes to get your student into college, have them earn BIG Scholarships OR help them get into their TOP schools. What would you do if I told you the rules of the admissions and scholarship game have evolved? In this MINI COLLEGE WORKSHOP, college expert Dan Bisig will dive into what has changed, while sharing what has remained the same.

You do not want to miss this important presentation.

Outline of Topics Covered:

1. What does the Admissions Process look like today – due to COVID-19?

2. Does "Test Optional" increase my student's chances of getting admitted or earning college scholarships?

3. What does the Holistic Admissions Process include and not include?

4. Why it is more important than ever before to start the college process EARLY.

5. What MUST a student do to stand out from the rest of the crowd?

Need Extra Help? Schedule a Discovery ZOOM Meeting by - CLICKING HERE