Conflict Resolution in Non-Monogamy: an interactive workshop


Non-monogamy can be hard, and there’s just not enough information out there on how to do it ethically and healthily.

That’s what this workshop aims to correct. In this workshop, we will cover*:

  • How to talk about jealousy
  • How to tell your partner(s) about a crush
  • How to talk to judgmental people

*The exact content we cover will depend on you.

How it works

This workshop encourages participation. Bring some difficult situations you have come across in your time with non-monogamy and your acting skillzz. We will act out some situations, improv style, and then have a discussion at the end.

Who it’s for

This is open to people with a lot, a little, or no experience with non-monogamy. We will be limited to 8-12 ppl to encourage participation and keep the space intimate.

Your host

Sarah Stroh is an online education on non-monogamy and sexuality. She is a top blogger and columnist in the publication Sexography and also creates videos on the topic on Instagram.


28 euros

If you're interested, please fill out the following form, and you will get an email on how to confirm your spot:

Conflict Resolution in Non-Monogamy: an interactive workshop image