Contact Improvisation Classes in NYC


Hey dancers,

I booked some studio time and going to be holding Contact Improvisation classes/workshops on Friday evenings for the next few weeks.

The sessions will be facilitated and also include plenty of space for dancing and deepening in our explorations and research.

Content will be some combination of:::

Technique. Specific pathways. Exercises. Scores. Somatics. Bodywork. Ideas. Images. Oddities.

-finding flow, flying & lifts, pathways for dancing at different levels, disorientation, momentum, whole body articulation, safety in dynamic movement, getting out of your head, discovering what you are already doing-

~fast, slow - small, big - subtle, gross~

Informed by Alexander technique, Feldenkrais, BMC, ChiKung, Thai massage, martial arts, partner dancing, acrobatics, animal flow, developmental movement, and by countless dedicated Contact Improvisation researchers and communities practicing globally for the past many decades.

Let’s see what happens

at Open Arts Studio - 68 Jay Street in Dumbo, Brooklyn.

On Friday’s, 6-9p

Cost is $25-45, as you wish

lmk if you need a discount

August 12

August 19

August 26

Maybe/probably Sept 2 & 9, tbd

A note about me: I’ve been dancing CI for 13 years. Teaching internationally for 5. I also work in, research, and play around with many other settings for exploring embodied consciousness and vastness of interpersonal dynamics. My movement and facilitation interests have been touched by many people and things, and the dancers and teachers I admire are many.

Cap at 20. Please register on the Eventbrite link and Venmo @Robert-Kancler noting which dates to secure your spot.

If you have any questions you’re welcome to get in touch on Whatsapp (772.300.6207)

Hope to see you there.
