Cornwall Search Dogs Annual Charity Swim


The distance from Newlyn to the Jubilee pool slip is 1400 meters just shy of a mile which is 1600 meters. The Channel Swim is around 41,000m! So we can be sure and to allow participant to choose a distance, we are allowing 40 people to join us. Participants can swim the whole distance of 1400m or 100m or 500m. Spaces are limited so sign up now. £15 per participant with a free swim hat. With all the proceeds going to Cornwall Search Dogs. Participants are requested to come for 1600 hours so they can sign in and collected their hat and number ready to swim for 1700 hours. Please note participants are expected to be able to swim the distance they have entered, this is not a race and people will not be timed. Bring your friends and family to support you as you.