COSMIC MUSE | Unlock your Creativity with Astrology


Does any of this sound familiar?

  • all too often you sit down with the intention of creating something, only to end up staring at a blank page (or screen, or canvas);
  • … or perhaps, the mere thought of sharing your creative projects with the world fills you with dread because you’re not sure you could handle criticism without dying inside;
  • you became associated with a particular niche or genre and part of you is yearning to branch out and experiment, but the thought of being rejected feels soul-crushing;
  • you are excited at the idea of birthing your first creative project but your perfectionism keeps cockblocking you (hello, self-sabotage!);
  • you want to make money off your art, but you’ve been told it’s just not realistic so many times, you eventually started to believe it;
  • you desperately wish you had a magic wand to banish creative blocks and never feel stuck, frustrated and uninspired again.

Being an artist can be quite the emotional rollercoaster. Impostor syndrome. Self-doubt. Rejection sensitivity. No wonder so many of us end up becoming shadow artists— longing to bring beauty into this world, yet making excuses (it’s too late, I’m too old, I don’t really have the time, I’m not that good anyway) and falling prey to the same, limiting narratives.

And so fear and self-doubt end up shutting us down— our inner shadow creator keeps us from pursuing our creative dreams, pushing us to withdraw from the outside world instead. We keep ourselves small, because small feels safer and more desirable than visible and misunderstood.

… and the worst part is, we think this is just about making art— it’s not.

It’s about what happens to your soul when you hold it captive.

Creativity is spiritual. Creativity is shadow work. Creativity is legacy.

COSMIC MUSE is a donation-based masterclass designed to equip you with astrological skills and techniques guaranteed to open your creative channel and push your artistic boundaries.

In this class, you will…

  • learn simple and effective astrological techniques to open the doorways of your creative mind
  • discuss the obstacles and impediments to free-flowing creativity and how they might show up in your nativity
  • explore creativity through an astrological lens and ultimately learn how to use astrology as a tool to open the floodgates of your creativity.

Make no mistake— this workshop is going to be knowledge-packed, so much that I’m putting the replay on sale after the live event.

No matter your investment, I can promise you— this masterclass will raise your creative bar by several notches, and inspire you to keep creating long after it’s over.

If you're ready to…

  • ground into sacred self-expression in a way that makes you endlessly enthralling
  • amplify your magnetism and become your own muse
  • dust off your list of abandoned projects & ideas
  • learn how to trust yourself again as the creative genius you are
  • put down the I’m not creative identity and get out from under the story that talent is something everyone has but you
  • stop following and start leading with your vision…

… Then COSMIC MUSE is going to be a game-changer for you.


Artists, musicians, writers, designers, music producers, photographers, filmmakers, models, SWers, shop owners, content creators, anyone who's involved in coming up with ideas, no matter the industry or craft.

A link to the recording of the class will be sent to all attendees on May 27; the replay will be available for a week after that. On June 3, I will put the recording on sale to the general public on my website.

At the end of our time together, I will extend an invitation to discounted 1:1 single-session readings for those who desire more personalized guidance around alchemizing their blockages into success and getting their creative projects over the finishing line.