Coyote Gratitude — First Edition Tour (NYC)


Ever wanted to pack your life and... just see what's out there?

Fresh from a cross-country walkabout, Julie Haberstick has some thoughts to share on roadkill, trusting yourself, and the wrinkle in time that is southern New Mexico.

Nearly thirty and disconnected, Haberstick was staring at an endless loop of traffic and toxic relationships. Heeding a quiet intuition, she left her fiancé, packed her life into her car, and — on October 1st, 2019 — just started driving. Coyote Gratitude is that adventure, from Los Angeles to the East Coast to New Orleans, a collection of personal essays, poetry, photography, and more. It’s an exploration of truth, uncertainty, and chance encounters, for anyone on a personal journey.

Join us at The Auction House for cocktails, conversation, and of course, Coyote Gratitude.

As a writer and filmmaker, Julie Haberstick is drawn to intimate journey stories, with the mission of making others feel seen. And while her behind-the-scenes work has landed her (in the audience) at the Emmys twice, her proudest achievement is having taken home the "Badass of the Week" Award from The Evening Muse in Charlotte, North Carolina. She digs you, can't wait to see you.