Crystal Bowl Sound Bath Meditation by April Hannah


April Hannah, owner of Hannah’s Healing Wellness Studio will be joining us once again at the Healing Lily Boutique in Schenectady to provide us with a crystal singing bowl, sound bath meditation on February 1st at 6:00pm. Come and rest, relax, release and restore. The crystal quartz singing bowls to bring your whole being into a deep relaxation and meditative state. Here are a few benefits of sound baths, sound healing, and meditation:

Calms your body and mind

Reduces stress and anxiety

Increases focus and clarity

Decreases tension and fatigue

Boosts your mood and reduces feelings of anger

Improves sleep

Elevates feelings of spiritual well-being

!!!!(For comfort please bring a pillow, blanket or yoga mat)!!!!

*free pocket Stone for all attendees after session*

We look forward to having you all!!