Cultivating Mindfulness With Krista


Class Series Overview

Mindfulness is the capacity to pay attention in this moment, free of thoughts, accepting whatever it is here without judgment. You can think of it as reversing our tendency to go on autopilot.

This mindfulness series is made up of four, one hour sessions that include short talks, guided meditations, and Q&As.

The series was designed to teach the value of mindfulness meditation, and help you apply it to your life in a very actionable, realistic, and meaningful way.

Talks will include information and tools that will help you, whether a novice or advanced mediator, wake up to the present moment, navigate your mind, and generate happiness in your daily life.

“A moment of mindfulness is a moment of freedom.” - Jack Kornfield

About your Instructor Krista

Krista’s meditation practice began 6 years ago with the goal of evolving her chronic stress and resulting health condition into balance, calm, and compassion. Krista has studied many practices over the years, including mindfulness, Zen, and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. This personal exploration led Krista to develop an integrated approach to meditation that connects you to the present moment, supports you to accept thoughts and emotions that arise, and provides tools for you to become the creator of your future.

Krista believes in meeting people where they are, and takes a personalized approach to one-on-one guiding. Her 10+ years of experience as a qualitative consumer behavior researcher has given her the ability to deeply connect with the people she works with, and to create a safe space to explore their inner worlds and create a better life.

Krista is in the process of completing a mindfulness meditation teacher certification created by the legendary Jack Kornfeld and Tara Brach, and is an advanced student of Dr. Joe Dispenza. Most recently, Krista has collaborated with other advanced meditation students to create a Coherence Healing group, with the purpose of helping others who might benefit from positive energy.