
Modern lifestyle overloads your body with toxins. Cupping gives your body a boost in releasing those toxins.Your body is the last place you want to store toxins.

Chronic Back Pain? Cupping Therapy Can Help With That…

Cupping benefits are the following:

Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions

Reduce painful trigger points

Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation

Relieve pain

Promote mobility and range of motion

Improves mature scars

Decrease toxins

Cupping is an ancient holistic-healing technique. During a session, therapists apply cups directly to the patient’s skin to create a vacuum. Moving the cups lifts the muscles and creates light suction, causing a sensation similar to a massage.

If you have experienced injuries such as strains, sprains, overload, etc., our therapists can help to provide non-opioid means of pain relief through cupping.

After purchasing your Eventbrite pass, call us at 404-698-3682 or email at so your time slot can be arranged. Appointments start at 9:00 AM.